
TANGERANG - Two warehouses for the production of car filters and household furniture on Jalan Salemberan, Kosambi, Tangerang Regency caught fire. Commander of the Kosambi Fire Station, Oni Syahroni, said that his party received a fire report on Tuesday, May 16, at 13.48 WIB.

Yang terbakar produksi filter dan prabotan rumah tangga. 5 unit damkar diperjunkan, kata Oni kepada wartawan di lokasi, Selasa, 16 Mei.

Oni said there were dozens of personnel and 5 firefighters deployed to extinguish the fire.

"At 17.05 WIB, the fire was successfully controlled," he said.

Regarding the cause of the fire and losses, Oni admitted that he could not convey it. However, he confirmed that there were no casualties in the incident.

"Losses and causes are not yet known. But there are no casualties," he concluded.

According to VOI monitoring at the location, residents and firefighters were seen trying to extinguish the fire in the warehouse.

There were also residents who moved goods that were still suitable for use from the warehouse. However, for motorcycles, it did not appear that they were evacuated, because their condition was burned.

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