
The Ombudsman representing the province of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) assessed that there were three maladministration cases of the death of Asian Sinta Hasibuan in the lift at Kualanamu Airport, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

"We found that there were three maladministration cases of the death of a public service user using an estator (lift) at Kualanamu Airport," said Head of the North Sumatra Ombudsman Representative, Abyadi Siregar in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 12.

First, the maladministration of waiver of legal obligations by PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi for not providing guarantees and safety.

Among them, there are no operators and K3 technicians at airport facilities, especially elevators. Then, there has been no periodic K3 feasibility test on the elevator since the transfer of authority of Kualanamu Airport from PT Angkasa Pura II.

"Then it does not provide airport facility service standards with instructions for operator users and information instructions if the excavator is in an emergency," he said.

Then the next point the Ombudsman assesses that the elevator door is open on the third floor which is not an exit access and there is free space, including an elevator with a building floor about 50 centimeters wide. In addition, the function of the emergency button and the operator calling button on the elevator are not functioning properly.

"We also see that there are no airport officers specifically controlling the equator and especially the different CCTV centers of buildings and airports. In addition, there are no public information facilities for airport organizing such as websites, complaints and the lack of competence of service officers," he said.

Abyadi said the second was maladministration of procedural irregularities. The Ombudsman assessed that the Director of PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi did not issue standard operating operations for complaint management at airports.

"The head of the airport authority for Region II does not carry out a yearly feasibility test at the Kualanamu International Airport elevator in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 6 of 2017 before the transfer of authority from the Airport Authority Region II to PT APA as the organizer or operator," he said.

Plus the Head of the Airport Authority Region II has deviated from procedures in supervising airport facilities to encourage airport operators to carry out due diligence every year according to ministerial regulations.

Finally, said Abyadi, maladministration is in the form of incompetent. The Ombudsman said the Director of PT Angkasa Pura Aviasi was incompetent in managing employees in ensuring the safety and security of airport facilities with the absence of a Senior Manager of operations and services for five months and Senior Manager of Technic & Engineering had been vacant for one month.

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