
Bandung Police are investigating the theft of valuables, namely a laptop belonging to a journalist named Dea Alvi Soraya (29) in his rented room on Jalan Cigadung, Bandung City, West Java. The unknown identity of the thief. This can be seen from the window of the rented room that is open and damaged. "All cases will be handled, we have conveyed it to the ranks of the Criminal Investigation Unit and the police chief," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Budi Sartono in Bandung, West Java, Thursday, May 11, confiscated by Antara.

Budi also said that he had ordered the ranks to look for the suspects in the theft. The theft case was known to have occurred on May 5, 2023. Now the case has been reported with the police report number: LP/B/64/V/2023/SPKT Cibeunying Kidul/Polrestabes BDG/ West Java Police.

Sementara itu, Dea mengatakan sebelum kamar kontrakannya dibobol maling, dia telah meninggalkan kamar kontrakannya itu pada 4 Mei 2023.Menurut Dea, laptop yang hilang itu merupakan barang berharga yang digunakannya sehari-hari untuk bekerja sebagai wartawan di salah satu media online nasional.Dari pencurian itu, dia mengaku mengalami kerugian materil sekitar Rp7 juta. Belum lagi, kata dia, banyak data-data penting yang ada di laptopnya yang hilang tersebut."Dari laporan, sampai hari ini belum ada (olah TKP). Yang datang juga belum ada," tandasnya.

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