PALU - The Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Sulteng) continues to investigate the alleged corruption case at the University of Tadulako (Untad) Palu which was reported by the Campus Care Group (KPK).
"Today, investigators are exposing the title of the case and waiting for the results, we will inform you later," said Head of the Legal Information Section of the Central Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office, Mohammad Ronald, in Palu, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.
Until now, investigators have asked 24 people for information regarding allegations of corruption at the state university. Of the 24 people, most of them are state civil servants (ASN).
"The result is waiting whether the alleged corruption case of Untad Palu is raised to the next stage or further investigation needs to be carried out," he said.
According to him, previously the Central Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office had asked for information from the Untad Chancellor Prof Amar and two former Untad Chancellors, Mohammad Basir Cio, who served two terms and Prof Mahfudz.
"Currently, there are still 24 people who are being questioned, others may be asked for information to complete the files, whether they enter into acts that violate the law or not," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
The Campus Care Group (KPK) reported the alleged corruption based on the findings of the BPK RI, as contained in the 2021 audit report on financial reports (LHP-LK) at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).
In the LHP-LK, it was found that state losses were around Rp. 1.7 billion more in the International Publication and Collaborative Center (IPCC) Untand.
In addition, there are also similar findings originating from the results of the examination by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture related to domestic official travel and fictitious activities worth Rp574 million.
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