
BANDA ACEH - Aceh Besar Police Chief AKBP Carlie Syahputra Bustam dishonorably dismissed two of his personnel, namely Brigpol FP and Brigpol RS for having made mistakes or disciplinary violations.

"Currently the National Police really need a lot of personnel. However, today we have to stop it," said AKBP Carlie Syahputra Bustam, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 8.

The dismissal of Brigpol FP for leaving the service or desertion, while Brigpol RS was involved in the circulation of marijuana-type narcotics.

The police chief conveyed the dismissal as part of the realization of the commitment of the National Police leadership in giving strict sanctions for members who commit violations, be it not disciplined or the police code of ethics.

He felt heavy and sad to carry out the dismissal ceremony because the impact was not only on the person concerned, but also on his extended family.

"But this has been carried out through a very long process, full of consideration and always guided by the applicable legal corridors," he said.

Before being fired, Brigadier FP and RS had gone through a series of processes, ranging from summons, examinations by the Professional and Security Section (Sipropam), and hearings on the Police code of ethics.

Until finally the person concerned was deemed unfit to be retained as a member of the National Police.

The police chief emphasized to all personnel to continue to improve personal and unitary discipline and avoid speech such as arrogance, individualism, and apathy so that they become role models for families and the community.

"It is hoped that the officers should be role models for their members and carry out continuous coaching and not get bored of reprimanding, reminding members if there are irregularities and violations," said AKBP Carlie.

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