
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta City Parks and Forests Service (Distamhut) Bayu Meghantara said that his party was still preparing a plan to reforestation the National Monument (Monas) area.

In this plan, the DKI Provincial Government consulted with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) regarding the type of tree to be planted.

"Yesterday, we coordinated with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry regarding plants in the area. We waited for it first, then the planning was completed," Bayu told reporters, Monday, May 7.

Bayu revealed that the DKI Provincial Government cannot arbitrarily plant any trees in the arrangement of the Monas area which is included in this cultural heritage category.

"We ask for recommendations, from friends at KHLK, proper plants. Yesterday we persuaded (to plant trees)," he said.

In addition, the DKI Provincial Government will also re-check the quality of the land in the Monas area by cooperating with experts to research it.

"We want to test the soil. Plants must get nutrients, nutrition is from the ground. I'm afraid what the layer looks like, we want to check it first," said Bayu.

The central government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will again organize the National Monument (Monas) area to be greener. Previously, Monas had been revitalized by Anies Baswedan when he was still the Governor of DKI.

The first phase of the arrangement that will be carried out is in the form of reforestation at the four Monas crossings, namely at the West Merdeka Cross, Southeast Monas Cross, Northeast Monas Cross, and Northwest Monas Cross. Later, the median pedestrian path will be narrowed to plant grass.

In essence, the arrangement of Monas will increase the quantity of green areas to 64 percent, from the previous 50 percent. The plan is for the government to gradually increase the planting of 300 trees at a number of points.

The first phase of the arrangement will be carried out at the Southeast Monas Cross. In the first phase of the arrangement, the government will also make amphitheaters as an audience arena for video mapping performances broadcast on the Monas monument.

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