
JAYAPURA - State Vocational High School (SMKN) 5 Waibhu Aviation, Jayapura Regency, Papua Province scored 85 of the best technicians for airlines in 2023.

Head of SMKN 5 Waibhu Flight Budi Riyanto said they had been prepared for three years to master aircraft engine engineering.

"We have professional teaching staff in educating and equipping students to be ready to enter the work industry, three students who won the highest score with an average value of 86.53; 85.47 and 84.84," he said in Sentani, Papua, Friday, May 5, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the 85 school students graduated with very satisfactory scores and were ready to enter the relevant work industry.

"Our students have carried out industrial work practices in the world of aviation, namely Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) Jakarta, PT AMA, Trigana Air Service, Jayawijaya Air, PT Alda Air, SAM Air, Aviation Adventure, Pull Aviation and Yajasi," he said.

He explained that the school student had carried out industrial work practices for three months, as a provision to become an expert and skilled aircraft technician.

"Our students are also equipped with aerospace science from the Jayapura Aviation Polytechnic as partners relevant to SMKN 5 Waibhu Aviation," he said.

He hopes that students who graduate 100 percent with this satisfactory result can be absorbed in the relevant industrial world.

"In addition, if students want to continue to a higher level, we from the school will always support for the sake of bright future goals," he said.

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