JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror will be involved to investigate the background of the perpetrators of the shooting at the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office. Because, there are allegations of perpetrators affiliated with terrorist groups. "Meanwhile, we will investigate the background of the perpetrators related to it. We will also coordinate with the Densus whether these people are in the network or not," said Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto to reporters, Tuesday, May 2. Karyoto is reluctant to speculate on the allegation. According to him, the facts that currently exist the perpetrators have attacked the MUI office. In fact, the attack has injured MUI employees with wounds on their backs. "We do not dare to conclude now but what is clear, the person concerned fired the weapon that I mentioned and injured one of the people," he said. In addition, coordination with the Lampung Police will also be carried out. Because, from the identification card allegedly belonging to the perpetrator is listed as domiciled in Lampung. "Our members will immediately go to Lampung to coordinate how the background of this suspect," said Karyoto. The shooting took place at the MUI office, Menteng, Central Jakarta. The shooting took place at around 10.30 WIB.
اقرأ أيضا:
From the photos received, it appears that the MUI office's glass door was broken. Allegedly due to the shooting. In the shooting, one MUI employee was injured. He was hit in the back.
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