
Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin asked the police to thoroughly investigate the shooting case at the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office today, Tuesday, May 2.

"The vice president is concerned about the incident and asked the security forces, especially the police, to thoroughly investigate this incident," said Masduki Baidlowi, always the spokesman for Vice President Ma'ruf, Tuesday, May 2, was confiscated by Antara.

On Tuesday afternoon, May 2, there was a shooting at the Central MUI office, Jakarta. The perpetrator of the shooting was a man who used an air softgun, resulting in a broken glass to the entrance of the MUI office.

Deputy Secretary General of the MUI for the Center for Da'wah and Akhlak Bangsa Improvement Arif Fahrudin said the perpetrator's actions resulted in two MUI staff being injured by shards of glass and friction of bullets.

"One was shot, but it was a softgun, the softgun hit his back and then only his skin had abrasions, there was no problem," said Masduki, who is also the Head of Information and Communications at the Central MUI.

According to Masduki, the victim who was more seriously injured was the one who was hit by shards of glass.

"The perpetrators are actually still confusing. Some say they died, but from intelligence (security intelligence) I just received news that no one died," added Masduki.

Masduki also said that Vice President Ma'ruf sympathized with the victims.

"We will see what the condition is, but it is not certain whether the Vice President will visit the victim or not because usually the Vice President has the discretion when there are victims who will definitely conduct a review of the victim," Masduki explained.

Ma'ruf Amin is known to be the General Chair of the Central MUI for the period 2015 to 2020.

Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto said that the perpetrator of the shooting at the MUI office was a man aged about 60 years with a domicile of Lampung.

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