JAKARTA - The National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Golkar Party are scheduled to hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 3, tomorrow afternoon. The meeting will take place at the Plataran Senayan Restaurant, Central Jakarta starting at 13.00 WIB.
The agenda has been confirmed by the Deputy Chairperson of the PKB, Jazilul Fawaid. He said that the general chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin, would directly lead the halalbihalal event with the party board chaired by Airlangga Hartarto.
"Yes, the plan is to halalbihalal tomorrow PKB DPP and Golkar DPP," Jazilul told reporters, Tuesday, May 2.
Jazilul reiterated that the meeting between Cak Imin and Airlangga Hartarto was scheduled for Wednesday, May 3, tomorrow. Previously, information about the meeting took place tonight.
"On Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 13.00 WIB at the Senayan Plataran Resto," said Jazilul. "Gus Imin who led was directly accompanied by the PKB DPP, including me," he continued.
The agenda that will be discussed at the meeting is related to the current political situation ahead of the 2024 General Election. In particular, said Jazilul, to equalize the direction for the presidential election (pilpres).
"Being updated on the latest developments, including to equalize the direction in the future," he said.
PKB, added Jazilul, will try to invite other parties to join the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition (KKIR) with the Gerindra Party.
"PKB continues to strive to join other parties," he concluded.
It is known that until now PKB and Golkar are still on different channels in preparation for the 2024 political year. Both of them are still carrying out each other's chairman of their respective political parties to become candidates for president (readpres).
PKB encourages Cak Imin in KKIR with Gerindra. Meanwhile, Golkar encouraged Airlangga Hartarto in a coalition with PPP and PAN (KIB).
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