
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo supports the labor group to continue to fight for their rights to improve welfare to realize superior quality human resources (HR). "Of course, my hope is that the struggle of workers to continue to improve the welfare of workers, the quality of workers, and improve superior human resources for workers so that workers can occupy strategic positions can continue to be fought for," said Sigit in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, May 1. Sigit explained that the Government of Indonesia continues to encourage industrialization so that new job opportunities open as much as 1.4 million throughout 2022. "Of course, this is a big space to fill job fields and workers must continue to strive to improve," said Sigit. Not only that, Sigit expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all elements of workers in the country for continuing to be at the forefront of guarding the backbone of the Indonesian economy. "Currently, the value of Indonesia's export continues to increase and 23.5 billion US dollars has been realized, about 9 percent rose and 35 times in a row Indonesia has experienced a surplus. Therefore, we on this occasion would like to thank fellow workers who have always been motorists and frontlines for the country's foreign exchange-producing heroes," said Sigit.

Oleh karenanya, Sigit memastikan Polri akan terus mengawal serta mengamankan kelompok buruh yang memperjuangkan seluruh aspirasi dan haknya sehingga ke depannya industri serta buruh dapat bersama-sama mengisi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia."Alhamdulillah atas kerja sama buruh dan industri yang ada, Indonesia saat ini terus bertumbuh di angka 5 persen. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sangat luar biasa. Kita berada di nomor empat negara G-20.dan nomor empat negara-negara di Asia. Itu semua berkat kerja keras bersama antara buruh dan seluruh elemen bangsa lainnya," tutur Sigit.Tak lupa, Sigit mengucapkan selamat Hari Buruh Internasional kepada kelompok buruh."Dalam kesempatan ini, saya, Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia menyampaikan kepada seluruh rekan-rekan konfederasi, rekan-rekan aliansi, dan rekan-rekan yang tergabung dalam serikat buruh Indonesia. Selamat Hari Buruh Internasional," kata Sigit.

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