
BATURAJA - Heavy rains that occurred in the past week submerged a number of areas in East Baturaja and caused flooding.

The Health Office of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra opened a health service post for flood victims in Sekarjaya Village, East Baturaja District.

Acting Head of the OKU Health Service (Dinkes) Dedi Wijaya in Baturaja, Monday explained that this post was alerted at the Sekarjaya Health Center to provide health services for residents affected by the flood.

"Especially for residents of Sriwijaya Hospital, Sekarjaya Village because this residential area has the most flood victims, reaching 300 people," he explained.

Residents who need treatment or medical treatment after a natural disaster can come to the health post to get free services.

"Including we are alerting an ambulance," he said.

Dedi explained that the health services were alerted to prevent various diseases in the community due to the impact of the flood disaster.

"Corban banjir di beberapa kawasan di Kecamatan Baturaja Timur lainnya juga dapat memanfaatkan pelayanan ini," ujarnya.

Meanwhile, Head of the OKU Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Hemni Rusdi separately said that the high rainfall intensity that occurred on Sunday (30/4) at 12.00 WIB again submerged a number of areas in Baturaja Timur District.

"The heavy rains that occurred in the past week submerged a number of areas in East Baturaja," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, May 1.

This flood disaster hit several areas including Baturaja Permai Village, Sekarjaya, Kemelak, Sukaraya, Air Paoh Village, Tanjung Baru and Canal with a total of 429 affected victims.

Although there were no casualties, he said, residents panicked when the flood came and entered the house with a water level of 30-100 centimeters.

Hundreds of residents were forced to be evacuated to a safe place using rubber boats prepared by BPBD OKU so as not to cause casualties.

"There are no casualties. We urge residents to remain vigilant against further flooding considering that rainfall will still occur for the next few days," he concluded.

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