The Tangerang Police, Banten, provided escort and security for thousands of workers in the area who headed to Jakarta to join the commemoration of International Labor Day (May Day), Monday, May 1.
Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Pol. Sigit Dany Setiyono said the thousands of workers moving to Jakarta were a combination of various elements or trade unions in Tangerang Regency.
"For the total number of workers from Tangerang Regency who moved to Jakarta, there are approximately 1,000 people, currently coordinated using buses with security from the police, both from the Traffic Unit and from intelligence," said Sigit in Tangerang, Banten, as reported by Antara.
According to him, the May Day warning action carried out by workers in Tangerang began with gathering at several points. Then, they walked together for 1-2 kilometers.
Furthermore, the thousands of workers headed to Jakarta to join other workers who held demonstrations at the State Palace and Horse Statue, Central Jakarta.
"And then they will join other labor unions, namely in Bitung, then they will move to Jakarta," he added.
In handling the action, the Tangerang Police carried out escort and security along the route that the workers went through so as not to disturb the general public.
In addition, his party also carried out security in several locations that were centers for the gathering points of the workers, such as Citra Raya, Balaraja, Pasar Kemis, and Jayanti.
"The number of personnel that we have deployed is currently with the TNI, police, and Transportation Agency of approximately 300 personnel; and what is certain is that we have accompanied workers since preparations. Then, in that departure, we made efforts to do so and as much as possible so as not to interfere with traffic, so we carried out security and attached security," he explained.
He also hopes that workers during the May Day action always maintain public order and do not make noise by disturbing other road users.
"Today no one is implementing it in the regions, everything is collected in Jakarta," said Sigit.
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