
JAKARTA - There are 101 motorcyclists departing from Panjang Harbor, Bandarlampung, which are used as alternative crossings on the flow of Eid 1444 Hijriah to Ciwandan Port, Banten.

"At the first crossing, there were 101 units of motorbikes for two-wheeled vehicles from Panjang Port which were transported by the Pelni Ship KM Dobonsolo," said Head of the Kesyahbandaran Office and Port Authority (KSOP) Panjang Andi Fiardi, in Bandarlampung, early in the morning, quoting Antara.

He also mentioned that based on ASDP data, the number of passengers riding KM Dobonsolo to Java Island was recorded at 198 people.

"Yes, indeed we see that the motorcyclists who take advantage of the Panjang Port are still quiet compared to the first arrival of KM Dobonsolo on the homecoming flow where there are 629 motorcycles," he said.

According to him, the lack of two-wheeled vehicles in the flow of the first milliliter at Panjang Port could be caused by several factors, one of which is information that has not been fully conveyed to the public.

"So tomorrow we, with related parties and also local governments, will try to disseminate information to the community so that they can take advantage of the Panjang Port for the crossing to Java Island.

Moreover, he continued, KM Dobonsolo will serve motorbikes from Panjang Port until Monday (1/4), so it is hoped that with this socialization the capacity of KM Dobonsolo can be fulfilled optimally.

"Earlier, to fulfill the ship's capacity, we jointly transferred the motorcyclists who were going to Bakauheni to be directed here (Panjang)," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Lampung Provincial Transportation Service, Bambang Sumbogo, said that the first milliret flow for two-wheeled vehicles at Panjang Port did look deserted and few.

"On this first day, the drivers did look a little bit, apart from the factors mentioned by KSOP, it is also possible that some have returned to Java Island first. On Wednesday (26/4) many have also crossed to Java via Bakauheni," he said.

He also hopes that those who have not traveled back to Java can take advantage of the Panjang Port as an alternative crossing.

"Especially those from the direction of Bandarlampung, Pesawaran, Natar, and so on can go to Panjang Port to cross it, but for the East, of course, we also recommend continuing to use Bakauheni Port because it is closer than the location," he said.

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