
"A total of 2,126 correctional inmates (WBP) in the area of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) received a reduction in the criminal period or remission of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah. "2.126 people who received the remission of Eid al-Fitr consist of prisoners and foster children," said Head of the NTB Ministry of Law and Human Rights Romi Yudianto as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 22. He also explained that the 2,126 WBPs who received the special remission consisted of 1,515 general prisoners, 569 special prisoners and 42 inmates. "For foster children, it consists of 27 with general criminal categories and 15 special criminal categories," he said. from the overall data, Romi also said that the number of WBPs received the most special remissions for the holidays was in the Mataram Class IIA Prison as many as 733 people. Furthermore, in Sumbawa Besar Prison as many as 427 WBP, 280 in Dompu Prison, 270 in Setong Prison, 22 in Central Lombok Open Prison, 95 in Mataram LP, 149 in the Praya Rutan and 108 from the Bima Detention Center. "For inmates there are 42 people from LPKA Central Lombok," he said. Rumi also explained that the granting of this remission is a tangible manifestation of the state's attitude as an appreciation to prisoners who always try to do good, improve themselves and return to be useful members of society.

"I hope that the remission given today can motivate prisoners to continue to improve themselves and avoid unlawful acts," Romi said. Furthermore, Romi expressed his gratitude and happiness for the implementation of Eid al-Fitr and the delivery of remissions in all prisons and detention centers of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights NTB area went smoothly, safely and in an orderly manner. "Alhamdulillah, apart from today's remission, the first special face-to-face visit on a holiday has been allowed after 3 years of no one. Once again congratulations to my brothers and sisters, congratulations to those who go straight home, keep the good name of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights," he said. Romi handed over the special remission certificate (SK) symbolically at the Mataram Class IIA Prison in Kuripan, West Lombok Regency.

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