
The Governor of North Sumatra (North Sumatra), Edy Rahmayadi, is optimistic that the economy in North Sumatra will increase during Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijri (Lebaran 2023) considering that many people returned to the province. Edy Rahmayadi, in Medan, Saturday, April 22, said the increase was based on as many as 4.4 million travelers who were expected to come to North Sumatra Province during Lebaran 2023. "We hope that the handling of this homecoming can be maximized, so that people who go home can be safer, more comfortable and calm. The flow of going home this year has the potential to increase, therefore the handling must be done even better," he said.

Sementara, Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Sumatera Utara (Disbudpar Sumut) memprediksi objek wisata alam akan mengalami peningkatan saat libur Lebaran 2023."Untuk yang ramai, salah satunya dipastikan Danau Toba," kata Kepala Disbudpar Sumut, Zumri Sulthony.Selain Danau Toba, daerah pariwisata lain yang diperkirakan akan diramaikan pengunjung adalah Kabupaten Karo dan Kabupaten Dairi dan yang lainnya."Di Karo terdapat objek wisata seperti Berastagi, Bukit Gundaling, Air Terjun Sipiso Piso, dan lain-lain. Sementara di Kabupaten Dairi ada tempat layaknya Desa Silalahi I," katanya.

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