
JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani reminded that homecoming post services must be able to meet the needs of travelers. Equitable facilities to security and health officers must be provided.

"For homecoming posts made by the government or the private sector, I ask to prioritize the best service to the community and provide complete facilities," said Puan in a written statement, Wednesday, April 19.

"Because many travelers are tired during the trip and want to rest," he continued.

Puan said the facilities that must be available are a proper rest area, toilet, and a place to pray. In addition, for the homecoming post at the land lane point, it should prepare vehicle maintenance facilities.

Thus, travelers who stop can at the same time check the vehicle and repair if there are obstacles. "This is to minimize the presence of broken vehicles during the homecoming trip using the land route," he said.

Puan also asked the police to place personnel at the homecoming post. "The goal is to provide a sense of security for travelers who want to rest," said the chairman of the PDIP DPP.

Puan asked the homecoming post to also provide health workers. If there are travelers who are sick, they can be immediately treated and taken to the hospital, such as an urgent condition.

In addition, Puan also wants the agencies involved in Eid homecoming activities to continue to evaluate. Every problem that arises is expected to be resolved immediately so that people can return to their hometowns without experiencing any problems.

"We want the public to be able to celebrate the moment of a holiday with their families in their hometown without any problems. For that, cooperation and mutual cooperation are needed from all parties," he concluded.

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