
Lampung Police have stopped investigating the report against Bima Yudho Saputro, TikToker, which criticized the infrastructure and development in Lampung for not advancing. The report is considered ineligible. "The Lampung Police officially stopped investigating the case (user) of Tiktok (account name) Awbimax or Bima Yudho Saputro; because after clarifying the witnesses, the report did not fulfill the elements to proceed to the next stage," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Lampung Police, Kombes Donny Arief Praptomo in South Lampung, Lampung, Antara, Tuesday, April 18. Donny explained that the Lampung Regional Police had clarified six witnesses, including three expert witnesses and three public witnesses including the reporter. The results of the clarification conclude whether the report against Bima can be escalated to investigation or not. "Based on the evidence that has been obtained, both from clarification and witness statements, as well as conducting case titles, we conclude that the report on behalf of the reported Bima Yudho Saputro does not fulfill the criminal element," he said. Based on expert opinion, Donny continued, the word dajal said by the owner of the AWBIMAX REBORN account is a noun and does not refer to certain ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup (SARA). "No other sentences were found that have meaning that can cause hatred or hostility based on SARA. So, this case does not fulfill the elements of Article 28 paragraph 2 in conjunction with Article 454 paragraph (2) of the Indonesian Constitution concerning amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law number 11 of 2018 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions," he explained. Previously, on social media there was a lot of circulation about content from a social media activist from Lampung named Bima. Bima voiced his aspirations through criticism of various development problems in his area, Lampung. One of Bima's criticisms is about Lampung's infrastructure which has not yet been built optimally in supporting the comfort of the community. The Lampung Provincial Government admits that it has not carried out acts of intimidation against Bima Yudho Saputro and his family. "If there is input on performance, of course it is accepted and becomes material for improvement, as well as what has gone viral on social media for some time," said Lampung Provincial Secretary Fahrizal Darminto in Bandarlampung, Monday (17/4). The Lampung Regional Police also received a report from a person named Ghinda Ansori which was shown to Bima Yudho Saputro. Contacted separately, Monday, Ghinda Ansori confirmed that he made a police report against Bima Yudho on Thursday (13/4). The report is registered with the report number LP/B/161/IV/2023/SPKT/POLDA LAMPUNG dated April 13, 2023. "What I report is not about his criticism of the government (Tampung Province), but the words 'province this one is trying', that's all that actually objected," said Ghinda.
He said the report he made was not at the request or order of the Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi. Ghinda admitted that the report was made on his own initiative.

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