
The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regrets the alleged bribery for the construction and maintenance of railway lines at the Directorate General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub). This kind of behavior is considered to have the potential to endanger public safety.

"Corruption in this sector not only harms state finances but also has the potential to depreciate the quality of train lines that will endanger public safety as service users," KPK Deputy Chair Johanis Tanak told reporters quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube show, Friday, April 14.

Johanis reminded each state administrator to serve according to the rules. Do not let officials harm the community whose money is used to pay them.

"Indeed, state officials are paid to use public money and should work to make the people's prosperity as much as possible," he said.

"The principle of integrity and anti-corruption must be a joint commitment between state administrators and business actors, so that there is no evil consensus that violates legal provisions through corrupt practices," Johanis continued.

Previously reported, the KPK named 10 suspects in the alleged bribery case by state officials within the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation related to the construction of railway lines in South Sulawesi, Central Java, West Java, and Java-Sumatra areas for the 2018-2022 Fiscal Year.

The four parties suspected of giving bribes, namely the Director of PT IPA (Istana Putra Agung) Dion Renato Sugiarto (DIN), Director of PT DF (Dwifarita Fajarkharisma) Muchamad Hikmat (MUH), Director of PT KA Property Management until February 2023 Yoseph Ibrahim (YOS), and VP of PT KA Management Properti Parjono (PAR).

Meanwhile, six other suspects were suspected of receiving bribes, namely the Director of Railway Infrastructure Harno Trimadi (HNO), Head of the Central Java Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Putu Sumarjaya, Commitment Making Officer (PPK) BTP Central Java Bernard Hasibuan (BEN), PPK BPKA South Sulawesi Achmad Affandi (AFF), PPK Fadliansyah Railway Infrastructure (FAD), and PPK BTP West Java Synto Pirjani Hutabarat (SYN).

In the arrest operation (OTT) of the case, the KPK also secured evidence in the form of IDR 2.823 billion, consisting of IDR 2.027 billion in cash and 20,000 US dollars, a debit card worth IDR 346 million and a bank account balance of IDR 150 million.

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