Jambi Governor Al Haris ensured that all coal transportation activities in Jambi from D-7 Lebaran 2023 were temporarily suspended for smooth homecoming in the province.
"Coal transportation activities will be reopened or resume operations on D+7 Lebaran and it is confirmed that during the termination of coal transportation activities, none of them operate on national roads, except for the transportation of goods and people," said Governor Al Haris in Jambi, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 11.
The provincial government (Pemprov) ensures that later on D-7 all coal transportation will not pass on national roads, so that people who use the homecoming route can smoothly return to their hometowns.
About four days to go to D-7 Idul Fitri 1444 Hijri/Lebaran 2023 coal transportation will continue to be brought under control on national roads so that the homecoming route runs smoothly.
During the temporary suspension of coal transportation activities, Jambi Governor Al Haris encouraged the Road Hall and Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) to focus on repairing roads.
"The road repairs are carried out when there is no coal transportation operating, we ask BPJN IV Jambi and the PUPR Service to focus on hoarding damaged roads," he said.
Jambi Governor Al Haris emphasized that in three or four days all coal transportation is no longer allowed to pass and the homecoming route must run smoothly and there will be no more mining transportation, where as long as coal transportation activities are stopped.
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