
BOGOR - Bogor City Police again raided firecracker traders who were selling in the Tanah Sareal District, Bogor City. During the operation, the police confiscated 11,600 hotspots.

The Head of Bogor City Police, Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso, said the firecrackers were confiscated from three traders at the location, namely Jalan KH Achmad Syafani, in front of Villa Mutiara 1 and Jalan Pool Bina Marga.

"The total seized was 116 bunches of match firecrackers. One bunch was 100 pills, so all of them were 11,600 firecrackers," Bismo said in his statement, Thursday, April 6.

To traders, the police immediately collected data and questioned. Subsequently, traders were asked not to return to selling firecrackers.

"And confiscated the object confiscated by firecrackers to the Tanah Sareal Police and our three traders were assisted," he explained.

Previously, his party had provided information regarding the ban on the circulation of firecrackers in Bogor City. Because firecrackers are considered dangerous which can trigger fires and disturbances in public order.

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