
LAMPUNG - The Lampung Province Transportation Service estimates that as many as 3.8 million Lampung residents will travel back and forth during the 2023 Eid holiday period.

"Nationally, there is a potential movement of 45.8 percent or as many as 123.8 million people will travel during the 2023 Eid homecoming period", said Head of Transportation Agency for Lampung Province, Bambang Sumbogo, in Bandarlampung, Tuesday April 4, confiscated by Antara.

He said, based on the region of origin of the trip, it is estimated that there will be 3,837,800 people from Lampung traveling back and forth, one of them to Java Island during this period.

"It is predicted that this Eid transport will use private cars the most, namely 22.07 percent. So with the condition of Lampung as a crossing, we must be prepared to anticipate this quite large movement of people", he said.

He explained that sea crossing transportation is one of the crucial points for Lebaran homecoming services in Lampung Province. Because it is estimated that 1.1 million people will choose to use ships to cross from Java to Sumatra or vice versa during the homecoming Eid 2023.

"For crossing transportation, it is predicted that in 2023 there will be 1,158,499 passengers, up 30.1 percent from the previous year and the available capacity is 2,112,000 people, so it is still sufficient", he said.

He went on to predict that the number of vehicles would be 249,942 out of the available capacity of 400,686 vehicles.

"There are 65 units of ships ready for this crossing, namely 56 regular ships and 6 executive ships, plus the Ciwandan-Length Harbor route and the Ciwandan-Bakauheni Port. It is hoped this can run smoothly", he said.

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