
Ira Risnawa as the parent of Maulana Malik Ibrahim (MMI) revealed that the merecedes Benz car his son used during the accident at Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta was a merchandise car to be sold.

"I emphasize again here that Mercy's car is my son's merchandise car. So my son, number 3 (Maulana Malik Ibrahim's brother) has a business of buying and selling used cars," Ira told reporters, Monday, April 3.

The old artist from the 90s said that someone had actually been interested in the car. However, he continued, at that time it had not yet reached the contract stage, so it could still be used by MMI.

"And the car wants to be paid for because it's just used. If you really need proof of WA (WhatsApp), I'll give you the offers later," he said.

"That's why the plate is Bandung, not Jakarta because it's the language of the children just picking up. That's all," he concluded.

Last Sunday night, March 12, Ira Risnawa's son, Maulana Malik Akbar, hit two men and a motorbike in the Pasar Minggu area, South Jakarta. One of the victims named Syamil (18) died at the scene, while one victim named Bayu was still safe.

Maulana's attorney, Olop Turnip, revealed that his client came from Mampang, after escorting his friend. While on the way, Maulana, who was traveling at a stable speed and passed the green light. Suddenly, a motorbike (Syamil and Bayu) broke through the red light.

"Spontaneous accident. He (Maulana) was in a green position, it was already on CCTV that was circulating too, suddenly a motorcyclist appeared from the direction of Cilandak, just as fast as possible," he said.

After the incident, MMI tried to pull out the vehicle. However, by local residents and online motorcycle taxi drivers suspected that their client had run away, after hitting the motorcycle driver.

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