
Bandung Regent Dadang Supriatna hopes that all parties will be able to take a positive lesson from Indonesia's deletion as the host of the 2023 U20 World Cup.

"Don't let our integrity, unity, and integrity as a nation be divided. There is no need to prolong the conflict between us. This incident, let's make it a motivation to continue to enforce our heads and strengthen the nation's identity and increase the spirit of building football in the country," said Dadang in Soreang, Bandung Regency, Friday, March 31, confiscated by Antara.

Dadang admitted that he deeply regretted FIFA's decision to cancel the U20 World Cup in Indonesia because it had an impact on canceling the match at Si Jalak Harupat Stadium, Bandung Regency.

"Given the various preparations we have made, of course there are feelings of disappointment and regret. However, we still respect FIFA's decision because after all FIFA has the authority," he said.

However, related to the negotiation efforts that PSSI will again carry out with FIFA, Dadang emphasized that he strongly supports and prays for the efforts of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and PSSI to produce good results. "We really really really hope that the U20 World Cup can continue to be held in Indonesia. We support the President's policy and also pray for PSSI General Chair Erick Tohir to successfully lobby FIFA in the meeting in Doha," he said. Bandung Regency Government, continued Dadang, has given all its ability to improve infrastructure at Si Jalak Harupat Stadium which is believed to be one of the match locations so that it is in accordance with FIFA standards. "Even though it was not implemented in the end, we still respect FIFA's decision," he said.

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