
CENTRAL JAVA - Surakarta Mayor (Walkot) Gibran Rakabuming Raka said there would be another event following the cancellation of Indonesia's hosting of the U-20 World Cup.

"The Ketum (General Chair) of PSSI is preparing plan B, plan C, God willing, it will work. Just wait," he said in Solo, Central Java, Thursday, March 30, reported by Antara.

He said the efforts that had been made to organize the World Cup would still be prepared because PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir had prepared other international-class events.

"God willing, this year. What was budgeted for yesterday, the renovation of the Manahan Stadium that we have carried out will not be redundant," he said.

Regarding the potential for regional original income (PAD) that can be obtained through organizing the U20 World Cup, Gibran admitted that he had no problem.

"We're looking for another event (event), don't worry about it," he said.

Regarding the cancellation of Indonesia as host for the U20 World Cup, Gibran said this was a lesson learned.

"It's okay to use it as a lesson. (Right now) we are focused on Persis. They are playing well, we support them, we encourage them to be able to play again at Manahan," he said.

With the cancellation of Indonesia as the host of the U-20 World Cup by FIFA, it means that a number of stadiums that were planned to compete can now be opened for other events.

"Yes, yesterday Persebaya directly contacted me so that the Persis and Persebaya matches could be held in Manahan," he said.

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