
The faces of the children of the Afirruu Ilallah orphanage, LM 99 Blambangan Foundation, Bangetayu Wetan, Semarang City, looked happy when they met the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, Friday, March 24. That afternoon Ganjar deliberately stopped by on the sidelines of the funeral to greet the children. In addition to sharing happiness, Ganjar also handed over basic food assistance to children at the orphanage.

Ganjar started working from Puri Gedeh's official residence at around 16.00. He and his entourage went straight to Bangetayu. At around 17.00 p.m., Ganjar arrived at the Fafirruu Orphanage, Ilallah Yayasan LM 99 Blambangan. He was immediately greeted by the children and the caretakers of the Panti.

Ganjar Pranowo immediately had a dialogue with the orphanage caregiver. The governor for the two periods also took the time to joke with the children. He also asked the children to sing.

"This is in his context of exercising, he rides every afternoon, keeps stopping here. Then this shares blessings in the month of Ramadan, helping younger siblings in the form of basic necessities," said Khoironi, Caretaker of the Orphanage, when met at the location.

Khoironi explained, in the orphanage there were 26 foster children who came from local residents. There are also children from Demak and Purwodadi.

"This facility has been established since 2006. However, for the existence of activities with these children, we have been active since 2007. Initially, the pesantren used to continue, then we also had an orphanage," he explained.

Khoironi added, since the beginning of its establishment until now, both orphanages and Islamic boarding schools have supported all their activities independently. They have a business of selling honey and herbal medicine.

"Please pay more attention to us taking care of these children, coincidentally there is no assistance from the Social Service. The source of the funds happens to be independent. So we carry out activities with children, entrepreneurs to support activities. For donors, we are not bound. There are times when they want to come, contribute, we accept," he said.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said his visit to the orphanage was to stay in touch and share happiness with the children. Since the first day of Ramadan 1444 H, Ganjar toured the orphanage while traveling before breaking the fast. He admitted that he was very happy because many good people gave themselves up to help and care for orphans and orphans.

"We see that many of our children need care, so many orphanages are then established and many of the administrators are willing to help to pay attention to their children, of course the government is very happy to be helped by them," he said.

Seeing the struggle of the philanthropists, Ganjar expressed very high appreciation. Therefore, during the month of Ramadan, he deliberately provides time to greet children in orphanages.

"Our job (of the government) is to pay attention to them, help them, especially now in the month of Ramadan. Hopefully, many people care about others, special wabil for orphans. Hopefully, this little one can give them happiness and also make them smile," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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