TANJUNG SELOR - Chairman of the North Kalimantan (Kaltara) General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), Suryani said that the administration verification of the Prima Party was being carried out by the KPU.
"KPU must carry out an administrative verification (vermin) for repairs to the repair requirement documents submitted by Partai Prima. This applies throughout Indonesia, including North Kalimantan," she said, Friday, March 24.
According to Suryani, Bawaslu's decision against the KPU was aimed at continuing the verification process which had stalled, especially since there were several Prima Party areas that had not been fulfilled.
"All KPU, including in North Kalimantan, were ordered to re-examine whether the Prima Party is able to fulfill administrative requirements, especially regarding management in several areas that do not yet exist," she said.
If the Prima Party in Kaltara only fulfills the requirements in four out of five districts/cities such as Bulungan, Malinau, Tana Tidung, and Tarakan City, then it will still be declared as having passed.
"Even though in Nunukan there is no management, in Kaltara it has passed. So we need to guard together regarding the factual verification (verfak) later, regarding the final result whether the Prima Party passes or not as a participant in the 2024 election, we are waiting for it from KPU RI," she explained.
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It is hoped that the verification process by the KPU will be supported by the Prima Party, especially those in North Kalimantan.
"We hope that this process will be fully supported by the Prima Party internally and also supported by supervision. This is our (Bawaslu) duty to carry out repeated supervision of the Prima Party," she said.
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