
SURABAYA - Dozens of mothers reported the video of the song "Destroy Risma Right Now" which allegedly violated the election campaign to the Surabaya City Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) office. These chants were sung by the supporters of candidate pair number 2 in the Surabaya Pilkada, Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman.

These women came carrying evidence of alleged campaign violations containing hate speech in the video "Destroy Risma." The reporter was met by the Head of Bawaslu for the City of Surabaya, Muhammad Agil Akbar.

"We have just received the presence of the public who reported several activities which they think committed a violation of the General Election," said Agil, Saturday, November 28.

Surabaya City Bawaslu received evidence of campaign violations to be studied. Bawaslu will summon the reported to be asked for information.

"In general, we first receive the submitted files, there was a photo, there was a CD containing a video," said Agil.

The head of the mother-mother coordinator, Renny Arijani, said that this report was a follow-up to the demonstration to defend Risma on Friday, November 27. Because the video of the song "Destroy Risma" by MA-Mujiaman supporters must be punished.

"This is not just a shout that we cannot accept, but this must be dealt with legally, because there is a legal basis, there are articles," said Renny.

Previously, the viral video contained a play on the chorus of the song "Menanam Jagung" by Mrs. Sud. The refrain was changed with provocative tone lyrics.

"Destroy, destroy, destroy Risma, destroy Risma right now. Destroy, destroy, destroy Risma, destroy Risma right now," shouted supporters of Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman, holding up two fingers. They also wear colorful Machfud-Mujiaman shirts. Behind them, a large banner reads "Supporting Gathering" with a photo of Machfud Arifin and Mujiaman.

Renny said, there were potential criminal and campaign administration violations in the "Destroy Risma" video. Among them is Law 6 of 2020, which regulates the prohibition of campaigns using violence, threats of violence or advocating violence against individuals, community groups and / or political parties.

There is also a prohibition on campaigns to insult someone with the threat of imprisonment for a minimum of 3 months or a maximum of 18 months and / or a fine of at least Rp. 600 thousand or a maximum of Rp. 6 million.

"The KPU Regulation also stipulates that campaign materials must be polite, educative, civilized, and not provocative. We should campaign against programs, not screaming to destroy a woman who has worked for Surabaya like Mrs. Risma," he said.

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