
JAKARTA - The National Police did not question Rizieq Shihab's rejection of the preaching safari by Rizieq Shihab in several regions. The reason was that the action was called part of democracy which freed every Indonesian citizen to have an opinion.

"It's okay, it's democratic. We are a democratic country, people want to express their opinion please," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono to reporters, Wednesday, November 25.

But Awi emphasized that everyone must pay attention to government regulations regarding the prevention of transmission of COVID-19. Therefore, the implementation of health protocols (prokes) is a major requirement during a pandemic.

"What is important, now is the pandemic era, obey health protocols," he said.

Even though he said the rejection was a democratic right, Awi emphasized that he would take action if there was a violation of the prokes. This is according to what is mandated in Presidential Instruction number 6 of 2020 to dissolve it.

"That has already issued a telegram which clearly states that if there is a crowd to disperse, don't let a new COVID-19 cluster occur, that's clear," he said.

Previously, a number of community organizations (mass organizations) held demonstrations against Rizieq Shihab's preaching safari in several areas.

One of the protests was carried out by hundreds of masses from the Arek Suroboyo Alliance in front of the Grahadi State Building on Tuesday, November 24.

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