
JAKARTA - Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin asked law enforcement officials to impoverish the perpetrators of corruption as a deterrent effect on the perpetrators.

"The law enforcement policy is obliged to ensure that the punishment must be able to provide a deterrent effect, both in the criminal sector and also in the economic sector of the perpetrator," said the Attorney General as quoted by Antara, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 24.

If previously using the approach of chasing and punishing the perpetrator through imprisonment (follow the suspect), now the orientation must be accompanied by a follow the money approach and follow the assets.

Burhanuddin continued, the importance of combining a criminal approach with an economic approach because white collar crime perpetrators have a high ratio.

This can be seen from an increasingly sophisticated and structured mode because it is mixed with scientific theories such as accounting and statistics.

"If measured by the sophistication of the modus operandi, the class of people involved and the amount of funds looted, it is clear that corruption is a high-class crime which is actually motivated by a wrong principle, namely that greed is beautiful," said Burhanuddin.

The perpetrators of corruption crimes, said the Attorney General, consider the costs and benefits generated.

"The profit and loss calculation aims to determine and decide whether to commit or not commit a crime," he said.

"The choice taken by the perpetrators is to do it because it is still very profitable. Not a few corruptors are ready to go to jail, but they and their families will still live prosperously from the results of the corruption that has been done," added Burhanuddin.

If law enforcement officers apply two approaches at once, namely the criminal approach and the economic approach, the Attorney General ensures that there are two positive things that can be obtained.

First, confiscation of assets will send a strong message to the perpetrators of corruption that the crimes they committed do not provide added financial value, but instead impoverish and cause misery for the perpetrators.

Second, the existence of confiscated objects, seized goods and confiscated objects of execution as assets will ultimately be seen as important because they constitute an integral and inseparable part of the handling and settlement of a criminal case.

"With this point of view, it is hoped that it will be able to initiate the maximum possible and well integrated efforts at every stage of law enforcement, so that the preservation and maintenance of the value of assets originating and related to criminal acts does not decrease so that these assets can be immediately used and utilized properly and can be used. presenting economic justice, "explained the Attorney General.

On that occasion, the Attorney General appreciated the Indonesian Minister of Finance and the KPK leadership for handing over booty from the state to the RI Prosecutor's Office.

The two spoils of state originating from the KPK are in the form of one unit of land and building located in South Jakarta and one unit of land and building located in Badung Regency, Bali.

The legal status of the two assets has permanent legal force (inkracht). "This is a form of synergy and cross-sectoral coordination between the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, the Corruption Eradication Commission, and the Indonesian Attorney General's Office," said the Attorney General.

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