
Posan Tobing stated that the police report regarding the alleged violation of the Copyright Law submitted to three Kotak personnel was a matter of rights that were violated.

The former Box drummer confirmed that the problem with Tantri, Cella and Chua was not a matter of money. Instead, he feels that his moral rights as a songwriter have been ignored.

"Personally, to be honest, this is not a matter of money. I swear, it's not a question of money," Posan Tobing told the media crew at Polda Metro Jaya on Wednesday, October 4 evening.

"This is my moral problem, this has been trampled all over. Imagine, I'm an open subpoena, I said don't bring it up again until our business is finished yesterday, but it's still not heeded," he continued.

Posan even said that Kotak had not included his name as a songwriter several times. For him, it has violated moral rights.

"Remember from the start why this happened? Because you said 'No, it's delicious like this, the money is divided into three'. Then performing everywhere there is no mention of the name of the creator. It often happens that you don't mention the name of the creator," he said.

Posan regretted that the problem with the three Kotak personnel had to take legal action. However, this decision had to be taken because he saw the response from his former bandmate.

"I am a musician, they are also musicians, musicians shouldn't actually be like this, we come here and there. Actually, if musicians have good ethics, good ethics, they know how to solve this. How should they bring works that are not their own," said Posan Tobing.

"It turns out that the journey has come this far, right. So, like it or not (the legal process) must be carried out, because this is the only way to get justice as an Indonesian citizen," he concluded.

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