
JAKARTA - The sensational guitarist from England, Sophie Lloyd has released a new single, Runaway, featuring Michael Starr.

In collaboration with the Steel Panther frontman, this collaboration tells the story of a young girl born to a metal family of rock and her parents, who then pursues her destiny as a shredder superstar.

"Runaway is one of my favorite songs from the album [I'm coming]," Sophie said in the caption.

"(The song) is inspired by all the high-energy and very fun rock I really like. Eddie Van Halen is a huge influence on guitar playing along the song," he continued.

"And to have Michael Starr in that song is an incredible 'bit'. I really liked Steel Panther when it grew up and they had a big influence on my style of play.

"He's really a rock legend and I'm very honored he wants to collaborate on this. I really like the story he says in this song and I can feel it myself, and I'm very happy to record the guitar flow to follow the lyrics and help tell the story."

Sementara itu, Starr berkomentar bahwa bekerja dengan Sophie adalah pengalaman yang luar biasa.

"He's a great guitar player and loves metal like me. This song comes out amazingly. Enjoy it!" said Starr.

Runaway is accompanied by colorful and sexy video clips that liven up the spirit of the song in a lively and strong way.

Watch the video clip below.

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