
JAKARTA - One of Indonesia's top rappers, A. Nayaka, is back with the latest single groovy entitled Marila Berhitung (Let's Dance). This song, once again produced by the singers who wrote songs from Malaysia, SonaOne.

This single is catchy and smooth to listen to, presenting an energetic and thrilling beat trap.

Marila Mencuruhkan elements of the old Malaysian song, membawa ansasan Melayu yang unik untuk mengisi lagu tersebut.Rap bilingual yang dibelikan oleh A. Nayaka juga smooth dan membahas-api.

"Back in 2021, SonaOne sent me a folder containing five-six different beats that he had worked on, and one of the taps was for this song," said A. Nayaka in his statement.

"So, he took a sample of a Malaysian artist named Junaiah, and the title of the song is Kau Dicintai. Without thinking, we immediately got the idea and made the song," he continued.

Released under the auspices of the Indonesian Jam Def, even with upbeat tones, genital and humorous lyrics, Marila dances with a deep message for the listeners.

The original story of the song is asking someone to dance. But symbolically, this is a metaphor when you want to talk to a girl, you have to do it," said A. Nayaka.

"You have to be brave and take on yourself. I say that you have to be able to face yourself to conquer challenges and get what you want in life," he explained.

With Marila dancing, A. Nayaka encouraged everyone to take steps and work to achieve their dreams, without fear or doubt, and full of faith.

Marila is available on all digital streaming platforms.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)