Idgitaf Shows Ego Ahead Of Release Of First Album
Idgitaf (Doc. Idgitaf)


JAKARTA - Singer and songwriter, Idgitaf, is back with his latest musical work entitled Loss which is the closing single for his first full album.

The song Loss is an expression of Gita's ego - her nickname - who is afraid of losing. He feels that other people may have also experienced this situation, that the unprecedented change can be imagined, but in fact humans are never ready to face it, let alone really lose it.

After starting the journey of the first album with single One and Pier, Gita presents a different background story in her single this time. The idea of making the song Loss was not from sadness, but because of feelings of happiness when she performed in Bali.

"At that time I was with the band on stage. We were dancing. When I was singing, suddenly I felt like there was a point of realization. Crazy, I really love my band. Really excited with them. Our chemistry is really extraordinary," said Gita in an official statement received by the editorial desk.

After returning from the gig location in Bali, Gita immediately got inspiration for the lyrics that became this single's reffrain. The lyrics read, "And the others can go, but this one doesn't. There's been a lot to share, I'm not ready to lose".

Unlike the sad title, the song even has an upbeat nuance to show the new color of Gita's music. In other words, songs are created to celebrate self-reflection delivered with a pleasant rhythm.

Happy to explore and collaborate. Gita also involved other musicians to work on her songs. Call it Wisnu Ikhsantama W., Rama Harto, and Muhammad Luthfi Adianto who were present as producers.

Talking about loss, Gita herself has never felt it deeply, either in physical, goods, or time. In fact, he admits that he is not a tasteful person.

“Mungkin karena aku sudah paham duluan kalau itu sudah pasti akan terjadi dan aku merasa aku tuh enggak ada penyesalan sama semua yang hilang. Misalnya, waktu yang hilang karena aku sibuk ngapain. Aku merasa hari ini ya sudah sepantasnya aku jalani. Terjadilah,” jelas Gita.

After the release of a new single, Gita decided to focus on preparing for the release of her first full album at the age of three.

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