
JAKARTA - Damon Koeswoyo and Rita Effendy are again presenting a song by Tonny Koeswoyo. This time it is titled Aku and Dirimu.

This song has its own privileges among Koes Plus lovers. Created at the end of Tonny Koeswoyo's life with emotional lyrics and feelings of making, this song is the main focus of his loyal fans.

This expressive work is part of the album Bertitel Cinta in Balik Kota which is also his flagship song.

The relationship between father and son in this song is so deep and touching. The lover of the writer who is so great to a very loved family is very strong and illustrated. In addition to reflecting his sincerity, it also means broad love.

The production of this song's music is peppered with Parisien style music atmospheres that seem romantic but make it very ironic if we look at the stories contained in the lyrics.

Damon Koeswoyo and Rita Effendy agreed to work on this song because they think the theme is very related to the life of someone who has ups and downs in contact.

"Good communication, mutual respect and understanding is the key to the harmony of the relationship," Damon Koeswoyo said in his statement.

"However, we must keep in mind the limits that should not be exceeded..." said Rita Effendy, who previously also collaborated with Damon Koeswoyo in the song Cintamu Tlah Berlalu in 2020.

Released via America Records, the song produced by Damon Koeswoyo, Rita Effendy and Tori Sudarsono has been available on all music platforms since May 26.

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