YOGYAKARTA - Starting from increasing stamina to increasing muscle mass, consumption of raw chicken eggs also has health risks, such as the potential for Salmonella bacterial contamination. Therefore, you must understand very well how to eat the right raw eggs.
This article will discuss in full how to eat safe and healthy raw eggs, so you can enjoy the benefits without worrying.
Reporting from the saudereggs page, consumption of raw eggs can be very healthy as long as you buy the right type. Pasteurized eggs are safe to eat raw because these eggs have gone through an in-shell heat treatment process to destroy bacteria and dangerous viruses.
Pasteurized eggs are also very useful when making general foods that use raw eggs as ingredients. A large number of salad sauces, sauces, bags, desserts, and drinks often use raw eggs, including:
But make sure if all raw egg products sold in supermarkets have to use pasteurized eggs. That means you don't have to worry about food poisoning from the Caesar salad sauce bottle you bought in the store.
If you plan to make a recipe that contains raw eggs at home, the US Food and Drug Administration will recommend using pasteurized eggs whenever possible.
However, when you use pasteurized eggs, there is still little risk of salmonella bacteria every time a raw egg is involved. To that end, do your best to minimize this risk by using the best possible pasteurized egg and clearing the egg shell just before breaking it.
Now you know that you can eat raw pasteurized eggs. Then you may wonder if it's a healthier alternative than cooked eggs. Consumption of raw eggs may be attractive to some people because raw eggs contain a wide variety of important vitamins and minerals.
Also read the article that discusses 6 Benefits of Crude Village Chicken Eggs, Effective but Careful in Consuming It
Please note, one large egg contains an estimated percentage of the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (AKG) recommended for each of the following nutrients:
While it is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of food congenital diseases due to consumption of raw eggs, there are ways to reduce them. Here are some tips and are useful for lowering your chances of developing salmonella:
However, even if taking this precautionary measure can help limit the risk of salmonella, one sure way to eliminate the possibility of salmonella is by cooking your eggs to cooked.
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