
YOGYAKARTA - Honey is a natural ingredient that has many benefits for the body. Honey can be used for mixtures of drinks or consumed directly. This liquid produced by lebat is usually used as a sweetener and energy added. So what are the nutritional ingredients in honey that play an important role in health?

Honey is produced by bees that absorb sweet liquids from flower mild. Honey bees collect this sweet liquid and store it in the nest to be processed into the main food supply. Many people use honey as a natural ingredient for consumption either in the form of a drink or as a food mixture.

Many studies have shown that nutrition in honey is beneficial for health. By consuming honey regularly, there are many good effects obtained ranging from digestive health, skin, immune system, to heart.

Honey is famous for its nutrients and antioxidants, and is anti-bacterial. Therefore, honey is very popular used in the world of health. In the past, honey was also processed as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases.

The content of the original honey consists of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and many others. Here are some nutritional ingredients in honey that have good benefits for the health of the body:

The main nutritional content in honey, which is about 80 percent, is sugar. The most widely stored types of sugar nutrients in honey are monosocidal in the form of glucose and fructose.

Honey also contains olohosakaride carbohydrates, such as sucrosa, ketosa, palatinose, maltosa, furanosa, and trehalosa.

In honey, protein is also contained as much as 0.5 percent. Proteins that contain honey are mainly in the form of amino acids and enzymes. The main enzymes stored in honey are diastase, glucose oxide, and inversion.

Honey also contains important minerals that are needed by the body. The mineral content includes calcium, manganese, zinc, selenium, and vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, and niasin.

Honey also contains neurotransmitters as much as 0.3-25 mg collin and 0.06-5 mg/kg of acetylcolin. In addition, there is also polyphenol content, especially flavonoids (asks), kaempferol, vanilate acid, kuersetin, routine, sinamic acid, and others).

Based on a study of 8 samples of various types of honey, it was found that in 100 grams of honey contained: 288 Kkal, 76.4 gr carbohydrates, 34.6 gr glucose, 41.8 gr fructose, 0.4 gr protein, and water.

Here are a number of honey benefits for your health that you need to know:

One of the important benefits of honey for health is as an antiviral and immune booster. Honey can increase the production of T and B lymphocytes and antibodies. So by consuming honey regularly, it can increase the body's immunity.

Honey is also useful for making the body active against bacteria and viruses. The antioxidant content in honey serves to neutralize free radicals that endanger the body.

The antioxidant content in honey also functions to fight free radicals. Honeys that have high antioxidants play a role in preventing damage to cells around the digestive layer.

The antioxidants contained in honey can be said to be quite complete, consisting of flavonoids, monophenols, Vitamin C, and polyphenols. All these antioxidants can provide protection for heart health. In addition, active compounds are anti-cancer in nature also play a role in reducing the risk of various cancers.

That's a review of the nutritional content in honey that is beneficial for health. There are more than 300 types of honey worldwide, which contain different levels of nutrients. Some of the most famous types of honey are acacia and manuka honey.

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