
YOGYAKARTA - Hyperpigmentation is a skin health problem that is often complained of by many people. Although generally it does not cause dangerous effects, hyperpigmentation can interfere with appearance. This condition makes the sufferer feel insecure (pede) when doing activities or meeting other people. So what is hyperpigmentation of the skin and the cause?

If there are parts of your skin that look darker than other areas or dark spots appear, then you may experience hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation can appear with residents of chocolate, black, or gray. This skin problem can occur in one area of the body, or spread to several other parts.

Hyperpigmentation does not cause pain or itching, but makes the sufferer uncomfortable with his appearance. To avoid and prevent this condition, you need to know what hyperpigmentation is and how to deal with it.

Hyperpigmentation is a condition when dark spots appear on the skin, so it looks darker than other parts. Hyperpigmentation of the skin can occur when the body produces excessive amounts of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that creates body skin color.

Dark spots of skin hyperpigmentation can be small or large in size, and can spread to all parts of the body. Usually hyperpigmentation occurs in the face, neck, arms, and other parts of the body. Based on the area where spots appear, there are two types of hyperpigmentation.

It is possible for a person to experience a focal hyperpigmentation or extensive hyperpigmentation. The focal hyperpigmentation occurs only in one area of the skin. This condition is generally caused by exposure to sunlight. While extensive hyperpigmentation occurs in several parts of the skin. Generally, the cause of hyperpigmentation of this type is due to side effects of using drugs.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin can occur due to several causes, ranging from sun exposure, skin inflammation, use of certain drugs, skin aging, hemocroCHIsm, and others. Based on the triggering factor, skin hyperpigmentation is divided into several common types below:

For those of you who experience hyperpigmentation, there is no need to worry too much. This health problem can still be handled in a number of ways. Here are tips for overcoming skin hyperpigmentation that you can apply:

Hyperpigmentation sufferers can use moisturizing creams to treat dark spots. You can buy moisturizer creams that are sold freely or cream from a doctor's prescription. Hydroquinon and tretinoin content is quite effective in helping brighten the skin. In addition, the content of glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and retinol plays a role in increasing skin regeneration.

Based on a number of studies, creams that contain vitamin C and cojic acid can brighten as well as reduce hyperpigmentation. The combination of these ingredients can inhibit the tirosinase enzymes that work in the formation of melanin.

Another way to deal with hyperpigmentation is by laser or chemical peeling. So if it has been treated with cream but has not been lost, then you can apply this treatment.

Demikianlah reviewasi mengenai apa itu hyperpigmentasi kulit dan penyebabnya. Bagi Anda yang mengalami kondisi ini, bisa menerapkan sejumlah langkah di atas untuk mengatasinya. Namun apabila hyperpigmentasi sudah menimbulkan gejaman merah, rasa panas, hingga sakit dan itching, makabanya Anda melakukan pemeriksa ke dokter.

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