
JAKARTA - Thomas Ramdhan, the bassist of Gigi, voiced his dissatisfaction with the service provided by PT Tirta Asasta Depok as the company in charge of distributing clean water in Depok City.

"I will share a little experience and ask all of my friends who are both PAM water users in the Depok area, which is managed by PT Tirta Asasta Depok," said Thomas Ramdhan in a video uploaded on Instagram, seen Friday, November 10.

The man who is familiarly called Samoth told how the bill to be paid suddenly swelled. In fact, he admitted that there was no significant change in usage.

"There is a very terrible thing, first it's just normal. I applied to be a customer in January 2023," said Thomas Ramdhan.

In the first bill to fall in February, Thomas paid a water bill of Rp. 88,000. Bills from the first to the seventh months are said to have not changed significantly.

"Initially, from 88 thousand, 100, 88 thousand more, 139, 88, 88, below 150 thousand, everything is considered on average," he said.

Problems arose when the eighth month (August) bill was known. Thomas had to pay a water bill of IDR 700 thousand. The more so, the bill for September actually reached IDR 2.1 million.

"Well, in the eighth month there was an increase, it was close to 700 thousand. Then in the nine months suddenly the bill didn't make sense in my opinion, millions," said Thomas by showing proof of payment of Rp2,148,800.

"Seven months is like that. Suddenly in August it could be different, in September two (million) came in a coma," he added.

Feeling odd, Thomas contacted PT Tirta Asasta Depok's customer service, about a week later the officers came to check.

"Then I asked how this was, then they said there was no leak, so it was pure use. Meanwhile, from myself, I feel that I have never used too much," he said.

Until the last bill that came in this November, Thomas still felt that the value to pay was not appropriate. He hopes that there will be an immediate settlement.

"I'm just two people at home, and the house is also not for production like an excess laundry company (water). I'm really at home together, which is actually very rare at home. Because coincidentally Gigi often goes out of town, sometimes a month it's just two weeks at home. Even then, in Jakarta, I'm at a hotel, not at home, "said Thomas Ramdhan.

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