
YOGYAKARTA Fear is associated with the style of entanglement, including the fear that arises when you are not married or single. Called anuptaphobia, is fear or anxiety to be single. This fear may not make sense, because it sometimes appears in unexpected moments. Like being present at a partner's wedding, but being alone and haunted by fear when you see other people with their partner or partner. Usually, someone who has an engagement style that tends to be anxious, will most likely constantly worry about loneliness. Causes of anuptaphobia or excessive fear of being single, here's the list.

Families without realizing it form behavior, emotional conditions, and ways of interacting with others. The way your parents interact or don't interact with each other, makes you fear your relationship. In the end, you grow up by seeing love or shortcomings in the relationship between the two parents. This role is huge so that it can cause the emergence of fear of being single.

Of course, everyone has a different love story or relationship between partners. But society forms a perspective through what ideals are and this indirectly suppresses someone who has not or does not choose to couple. People also have a narrative to encourage the perception that single people are incomplete because they don't have a partner yet.

When a person feels doubtful about who he is, the idea that no one else can make someone valuable or valuable can be very scary. If you need someone else to convince or assert you are valuable or feel safe, it could be one sign that you are afraid to be alone.

Boredom or loneliness is often the first thing that comes to the mind when they are afraid to be single. Launching LovePanky, Friday, November 10, boredom and loneliness are sometimes because there is no busyness or monotonous life. That way it comes to the mind to look for a partner to find novelty.

At a certain age, the family will certainly ask sensitive questions. Like the question 'when to get married', 'who is my face', 'when do you hold grandchildren', and so on. These questions really need to be answered wisely and respectfully. But it can also be a pressure as well as a driving force for someone to be afraid to be single.

If you are sure you have a romantic partner the only way to get a trusted support system, you may be encouraged to find a partner and are reluctant to be single. Emotional support can actually be obtained from trusted people who are not only from your partner. But the lack of support systems can also cause a person's reluctance to become single.

Alone is not fun, especially when you think without a partner will lose awareness about yourself. In fact, being an authentic and self-aware individual is important to develop yourself and be more independent. However, when it comes to prioritizing not being alone rather than being yourself, it can cause fear to arise when you don't have a partner or single.

That is the seventh cause of anuptaphobia or excessive fear of being single. One way to prevent this fear from developing is to increase emotional intelligence. This emotional intelligence, contributes to the judgment and expression of emotions in oneself and others. By having emotional intelligence, one can manage emotions effectively and plan a prosperous life in the future.

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