YOGYAKARTA Some people may have experienced a burning tongue after eating spicy. Well, to relieve the sensation of 'burnt' on the tongue after eating spicy food, usually people will immediately drink water. This action can indeed relieve the burning feeling, but only for a moment. After a few minutes, the burning taste of the tongue will reappear.
So, how to deal with the burning tongue after eating spicy? You can see the answer to this question in the following review.
For information, the tongue catches fire after eating spicyly caused by capsaicin substances found in chili. This substance can irritate all human neural networks when interacting directly with it.
Capsaicin will bind the protein in its sense of taste which is responsible for feeling a hot sensation, driven by Men's Health.
Capsaicin has a composition like oil that is not dissolved in water. This is the reason why drinking a glass of water cannot overcome the sensation of a burning tongue after eating spicy food.
If that happens to you, there are several things you can try to reduce the burning sensation of the tongue, including:
The first way to deal with the tongue burning after eating spicy is chewing ice cubes. The cold sensation can make the pain sensor on the tongue die for a while.
If you can't find ice cubes, you can also chew bread. The bread can absorb fluid in your mouth, which can help remove the capsaicin molex from the receptor on the tongue.
Quoting Eating Well, milk and dairy products contain protein called kasein. This substance can be associated with capsaicin and remove the pain-producing compound from the tongue.
Eating high-fat foods, such as nuts and butter can help dissolve the oil in capsaicin, so that substances that can produce a burning sensation in the tongue will be accelerated quickly.
In addition, you can also add one tablespoon of peanut butter so that the spices taste less spicy.
Peduli can not only help neutralize excessive spices, but also add protein, fat, and nutrients to whatever you make.
Oranges have low acidity degrees, while capsaicin is a base molecule. Combining something orange-like acid can help neutralize some of the spicy sensations.
This method can be predicted by someone who has a lactose intolerance condition. You can consume orange juice or lemon to treat the burning tongue after eating spicy.
اقرأ أيضا:
Sugar is a staple of the kitchen that can help drain the spicy taste of food.
For some people, they may be familiar with the Scoville scale term, which can measure the level of chili fines.
You should know that the units used to sort the steepness level of a chili, the Scoville unit, are determined by how many sugar water solutions are needed to trace the spices in the taste test.
That's the information on how to deal with a burning tongue after eating spicy. Hopefully this article can enhance the insights of the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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