
JAKARTA - The XIII Indonesian Journalist Film Festival Committee (FFWI) in 2023 reported that the announcement of all FFWI seeds will be held on October 20.

The initial jury consisting of 21 journalists throughout Indonesia had to work hard to assess four film genres: drama, comedy, horror and action. From each genre chosen nine elements, so that a total of at least 36 seeds will be announced.

The Director of FFWI's Judging Division, Tertiani ZB Simanjuntak, explained that the judging process was divided into two stages. In the first phase, the Initial Jury sorted out 144 Indonesian film participants who had been shown in theaters and video services from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

Furthermore, the judges selected a total of 78 film titles from four different genres. From this list, the initial jury then determined five seeds for nine elements of the film which were assessed by each genre.

According to Tertiani, it turns out that in practice assessing the films that will be made superior, it is not easy. Masing- each member of the jury, all of whom have a background of film journalists, conveys sharp arguments, and has a qualified knowledge base," said Tertiani. That's why sometimes he needs to provide additional information to the debating Early Jury.

Dalam pengalaman Thomas Bella Manggala yang sudah ketiga kalinya menjadi Juri perhelatan FFWI, merasakan sangat alot dan penuh dynamics. Dia menerangkan, dari tahun ke tahun, selalu ada peningkatan sistem penjurian FFWI.

"Well, the most interesting thing is this year's FFWI, the judging committee assesses the genre of action films. This is the first time it has been held at a film festival in Indonesia," said Thomas, who daily covers the world of cinema.

Until now, the Jury still holds any meeting and any film is included in the flagship list. Even so, it is predictable that there will be fierce competition in each genre. Guarantee the decision process takes place fairly," said Tertiani

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