5 Steps To Stop Children's Habits Of Lying
Illustration (Alan Mas/Pexels)


JAKARTA - It's common that sometimes children (even adults) don't tell the truth. And there's no need to worry if it happens occasionally. However, if lying is a habit, it can be a serious problem.

One of the big problems is that if a child is caught lying, you may not believe him when he says the real thing. Teaching children the importance of telling the truth will build personal responsibility, trust, and concern.

Here are five strategies to stop children from lying staggered from the Very Well Family page, Wednesday, October 18.

As part of the rules and values of the family, make rules at home that clearly emphasize the importance of honesty and honest communication. This will make sure the children understand that you respect the truth, even though it's hard to reveal.

Explain about the various types of lies and bad effects caused by lying. Also convey to children various reasons people lie and why you, as parents, expect honesty.

Be an example of the behavior you want to see from your child. Don't lie about your child's age to get cheaper food in a restaurant. And don't say you don't feel well so you don't attend social events. Children will imitate what they see from their parents' actions.

Give one child a warning when you're pretty sure they catch them lying. For example, calmly say, 'Father/Mother will give you one chance to be honest. If you know you're lying, you'll receive additional consequences.'

It is also important to reiterate what the consequences of indifference are. But focus on teaching responsibility and honesty, rather than blaming or embarrassing children. Keeping the tone of speech calm and full of love also helps. If you get angry, scream, or threaten, the child will feel uncomfortable being honest.

Talk to your child about the consequences if you lie. Explain that indifference will make it difficult for you as a parent to trust your child's words at a later date even though they are honest. And other people tend not to like or trust people who are caught lying.

If children have a bad habit of lying, develop plans to help them rebuild an honest attitude. For example, for behavior contracts that connect more privileges if children are honest. If they tell the truth, they will be one step closer to getting more privileges.

All children will occasionally lie. But it is very important to stop this behavior from the start so that this does not become a habit. Children have various reasons to lie, but the most common reason children lie for fear of being scolded.

The more often you expect your child to be honest and remind them of the consequences of lying to them, the more likely you will find your child to say frankly to you.

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