
JAKARTA - Senior comedian Denny Chandra said that his life had been down because he did not have a job in the entertainment world. The incident occurred in 2010 where he was finally forced to sell up to 4 cars to make a living.

Denny shared this life experience when he was present as a guest star on the social gathering YouTube channel podcast.

"2010 is already starting to go down. So if people see it, no, 2010 it started to work. Until more than 2 years and 10 months it was really hard," said Denny Chandra, quoted by VOI from the Kasisolution YouTube channel, Tuesday, October 17.

"That's my car, 4, starting from the SLK 2 doors, there's Alphard, there's Caravel, there's Teana, it's selling it one by one just to make a living," he continued.

Furthermore, this comedian who has a characteristic with a Sundanese accent in 2013 had to give up his last car, namely alphard to sell. This had to be done by Denny because the remaining money in the savings was only Rp. 26 million.

"Satu-satu aku jualin. Sampai terakhir di tahun 2013 bulan Agustus kalau nggak salah atau September. Itu alphard yang mainstayalan, dulu kan artis harus menggunakan alphard begitu, enggak yang dibuka pintu, buka sendiri bangun sendiri yalah utama itu harus dijual karena ditampungan aku di ATM itu tinggal 26 juta," tutur Denny.

Finally Denny sold his luxury car to his brother who was in Bandung for IDR 250 million.

"Until I talked to my wife, 'Mom, I think we have to sell it alphard,' 'What are you doing?', looking at ATMs, ATMs are like thin paper, so many injecters, it's like paper, taking money. Yes, just sell it, sell it to my brother in Bandung. That's alphard 2005, sold in 2013, sold for IDR 250 million," added Denny.

Unexpectedly, shortly after that, Denny got a job offer on one of the television stations. Where the payment on the television station is at the price of the alphard car he sells which he ends up using to perform Umrah.

"But a week later, because I knew maybe Allah saw 'Ah, Denny, I was mentally angry' he said. So suddenly from TRANS7, the ILK, called. The first one suddenly entered, 'Ah, Kang, just host both'. Ok, walk from the first month once a week, four times a month. The second month, twice a week,"

"Until the stripping in 10 months, the money that alphard sold was reversed. Wow, both of me can go to Umrah with my wife without selling or without leaving the car,"

This incident finally made Denny Chandara realize that he was closer to the Creator or hijrah. This can be seen on his Instagram social media where he is now active in several religious events and is starting to dress according to religious rules.

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