
JAKARTA - The historical film of Operation Trisula and Djakarta 1966 which will air on Saturday, October 14 and 28 starting at 22.00 WIB on tvOne. Both films, Trisula and Djakarta 1966 Operations, are cinematic works inspired by events and an important period in Indonesian history.

Each film brings the audience back to the past with a dramatic depiction of the state of history's journey in a situation of social and political tension that has an impact on the stability of the country.

The film Operation Trisula tells the story of a military operation carried out to eliminate members of the G30S movement.

Produced by the PPFN studio, the film is also intended as a sequel to the G30S film that was already made. The Trisula Operation film tells the story of members of the PKI who escape from Jakarta and various regions. Then they came back to life and organized movements from desert areas, hills and caves.

Meanwhile, the film Djakarta 1966 is a drama documentary released in 1988. This 135-minute film is directed by Arifin C. Noer and is again starring Amoroso Katamsi and Umar Kayam. After the G30S incident in 1965, various incidents occurred in the community, especially in the capital city of Jakarta.

The two films also feature the important role of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) in countering threats to the country. In the Trisula Operation, it was told that the TNI participated in military operations to crush rebels in Aceh, while in Jakarta 1966, the TNI played an important role in responding to the rebellion that rocked the country's stability.

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