
YOGYAKARTA - It doesn't always occur in old age, stroke can also hit a young age. Stroke is a condition when blood supply to the brain is disturbed or decreased, which causes brain tissue to not get oxygen. Curious about the cause of stroke at a young age?

Stroke is a serious disease that can cause defects and endanger lives. Therefore, fast medical assistance and the right time must be done to reduce the risk of brain damage and various other complications. The following is a description of the characteristics and causes of stroke at a young age.

Risks of stroke usually increase with an increase in a person's age. However, real strokes can also occur at a young age. Here are the characteristics or indications of stroke that should be watched out for:

Mild strokes will generally strike in order to gain the senses first, such as changes in the function of the eyes, ears, and taste. Loss of the function of panca sense does not take place all of a sudden, but it can only be done in one of them. If you start to feel the loss of function from one of the senses, you should not underestimate it because it could be the beginning of mild stroke symptoms.

The characteristics of stroke at a young age can also be required by running out of body balance. For example, difficulty walking due to abnormal body balance. Dizziness in the head that causes the walking to become staggered, loss of consciousness such as confusion, loss of memory, or unconsciousness can also be a symptom of a stroke. Immediately check yourself with a doctor to recognize the definite trigger from the indications that arise.

Stroke is one of the diseases related to nerve function. Certain body parts, such as face, feet, or hands, can be characterized by a feeling of susceptibility that is quite frequent or never disappears, and numbness on one side of the body.

Not only the 3 characteristics above, the identity of stroke at a young age can also be characterized by a mental change, for example feeling indecisive or forgetting memories. Difficulty mastering someone's words and difficulty reading and hearing is also a characteristic of early symptoms of stroke.

Strokes can be caused by various factors, it could be due to risk factors that are lowered in families of descent, such as hypertension or unhealthy lifestyle. Here are some aspects of stroke triggers at a young age that you need to know:

Increasing blood pressure is one of the triggers for stroke. High blood pressure can cause brittle walls of blood vessels that can lead to rupture of blood vessels.

Heavy head injuries can also be one of the triggers for stroke to take place at a young age. A fairly hard collision in the head can form a blood clot in the head. This situation can cause a concussion and disrupt the immune system of the body and blood cells so that it can lead to a stroke.

Cylindrical cell anemia comes from genetic abnormalities since birth with the state of red blood cells shaped like sickles. This situation causes blood vessels to lose a healthy blood supply and oxygen to be channeled throughout the body. Blood and oxygen supplies that are not flowed perfectly, especially to the head, can cause a stroke to form. Special medical care is needed so that this situation does not cause problems in other organs of the body.

Symptoms of stroke can also be caused by high cholesterol. The increase in bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein / LDL) in the blood can cause plaque buildup in the blood vessels of the brain that give rise to atherosclerosis (blockage or narrowing of blood vessels). This situation requires immediate action because it can cause stroke or other diseases such astenuary heart disease.

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