YOGYAKARTA - Giving rabies vaccines to cats has important benefits for anabul's health. Cat vaccination is a step to prevent the onset of various diseases that could attack your pets. But you shouldn't do it carelessly, therefore cat lovers need to know when cats can get rabies vaccines.
Cats are also the same as humans with the potential to experience various types of diseases. Zoonis is a dangerous disease that can infect cats because it can be transmitted from animals to humans, and vice versa. To overcome and prevent this disease, cats need to get rabies vaccine injections.
The rabies vaccine is one type of vaccine in cats that is important to give to your anabul. This vaccine will help protect and avoid cats from rabies exposure.
rabies is a disease that attacks the cat's immune system and can be transmitted to humans. This disease is transmitted through saliva, open wounds, and bites. If a cat with rabies is not treated immediately, it can be fatal.
rabies disease can be caused by the bite of infected animals. There are several symptoms that can appear in rabies-infected cats, namely frequent saliva, becoming aggressive, to changing behavior so restless and uneasy.
There are a number of requirements for cats to be allowed to get rabies vaccines. Because giving vaccines to cats should not be done carelessly and must be based on the approval of the veterinarian.
Here are some conditions that need to be met when giving rabies vaccines to cats.
One of the conditions for cats to be vaccinated against rabies is that they are old enough. Cat vaccination must be given at a certain age. Vaccination starts when the cat is about 6 to 8 months old.
Vaccinations for cats are generally carried out in several stages, ranging from panleukopenia, herpes, viral capillaries, and chlamydia vaccines. Vaccinations are carried out repeatedly and when they are 20 weeks old they will be given rabies vaccines.
Make sure the cat that will be vaccinated is in good health. So cats must be free from health problems, such as fever, diarrhea, cough, flu, and others. Cats who have a fever should not be vaccinated or should be postponed. Likewise, when diarrhea, vaccine administration should be postponed to work effectively.
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Vaccinated cats must also be in a stressless condition. Stress can affect or lower the immune system. Cats that experience severe stress are prone to various other health problems because their immune system is weakening.
When you are going to vaccinate a cat, you should not do grooming before. Avoid bathing a cat or trimping your nails first, especially if it is done in a petshop. Petshop is a place where there are many cats with various health conditions, so that your cat is prone to health problems.
Cats that are contracting skin disease are also not advised to be vaccinated. For example, cats that suffer from dermatitis or fungal infection, should be postponed until their condition recovers.
Cats that are deworming should also not be vaccinated. Cats in worm manifestation conditions need to be treated or treated before being vaccinated. Because deworming will affect the body's immune response to vaccination.
Vaccination is also recommended when a cat has a good appetite. Cats with good appetite show their health is stable so they are safe to get vaccines.
That's a review of when cats can get rabies vaccines. Giving vaccines to cats should not be done carelessly and must pay attention to the condition or health of the cat itself.
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