
YOGYAKARTA - Stomach Kram is usually experienced by women who are menstruating. However, it is not uncommon for people to experience stomach cramps due to health problems. This condition is certainly very disturbing for comfort. Various ways are also done to overcome this, one of which is to eat food to relieve stomach cramps.

When experiencing stomach cramps, of course you feel pain in the stomach area and cannot move comfortably as usual. Need you know, there are several types of food that can relieve the condition of stomach cramps. So what are the foods to relieve stomach cramps that you can consume?

Health experts recommend a number of foods that women who are menstruating or with stomach cramps should consume. Here are some nutritious intakes that can help relieve stomach cramps:

One of the intakes that can treat stomach pain and cramps is green leafy vegetables. Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and arugula contain magnesium as a natural substance to relax muscles.

When consumed, magnesium works by relaxing the innocent muscles in the uterus and reducing the level of inflammatory prostaglandin. In addition, several types of vegetables such as spinach and mustard are also good for menstrual women. These vegetables can restore iron which is drained a lot during menstruation.

Sufferers of pain and stomach cramps are also advised to consume yogurt. Although some dairy products tend to worsen stomach pain, one portion of yogurt actually has the opposite effect. But make sure the yogurt chosen has an active culture label in its packaging.

This content will increase the number of bacteria in the digestive tract. So by consuming it, it can help overcome digestive problems and relieve the flavor of bloating.

Several studies show that ginger functions as an anti-meal agent and plays a role in improving digestive health. This spice can be an alternative intake to relieve cramps and pain in the stomach. If you want to consume ginger, the recommended limit is 4 grams of ginger every day.

Nuts and seeds such as walnuts, hemp seeds, and chia seeds, contain magnesium. This content plays a role in reducing muscle contractions that cause stomach cramps. In addition, walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help relieve pain or pain during menstruation.

Banana fruit is also a food that can help treat stomach cramps. This fruit is easy to digest and usually does not cause problems in the digestive system. Bananas have a pektin content that helps carry out bowel movements naturally.

salmon and tuna are excellent sources of fatless protein for consumption for people with cramps and stomach pain. Usually, fish with dark skin have a high level of protein. In addition, salmon is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which play a role in reducing pain due to menstrual cramps.

Pepaya is also a good fruit as a intake for people with cramps and stomach pain. This fruit can help overcome digestive problems and constipation. Papan enzymes and chymopapain stored in papaya function to break the protein and calm the stomach.

Alpukat can help treat symptoms of bloating and muscle cramps, which often occur during PMS. This fruit contains potassium as a mineral that acts as a natural diuretic.

This content helps remove excess sodium and fluids from the body. Potassium also helps prevent muscle cramps and gives you a feeling of fullness. To make it more enjoyable, you can consume avocado in the form of fruit juice or salads.

Those are some foods to relieve stomach cramps that can be consumed by menstrual women or people who experience problems in the stomach. The foods above are easy for you to get in supermarkets or traditional markets.

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