
YOGYAKARTA - There are many indications that pregnancy can be exactly the same between one mother and another. But not a few are in different conditions. However, many sources say that pregnancy has a distinctive indication. So what is the sign of 3 months of gestation?

What about the pregnancy of 3 months old? Are there still any indications that it might not be the same between mother and mother of two?

Let's follow the 10 characteristics of 3 months pregnant that you can feel.

Morning sickness

In the first 3 months, you are more nauseous from vomiting which is usually said to be morning sickness because it is generally more often established in the morning. Even though in reality you can face vomiting all day long.


The hormonal turnover stimulates various body reactions in pregnant women. This includes feeling tired and sleepy. Blood sugar levels are also affected because the body requires extra blood to supply important nutrients to the fetus.

Urinating more often

During pregnancy, extra stress is put on the bladder of urine because of the development of the uterus. This causes an increase in the urge to urinate and reduce the capacity to control urine.


The large estrogen content, cervical widening and the Miss V wall which play a role in avoiding inflammation into the uterus, causes pregnant women to put out whiteness mucus.

Convolute and startup

This is triggered by an increase in progesterone levels which causes the digestive process to slow down, causing problems such as constipation. Obstacles to digestion can also cause a start.

Back pain and stomach pain

A growing uterus stretching the ligament and tendon, causes a root abdomen and back pain. In a healthy pregnancy, you can gain weight up to 11 to 15 kg. In the early trimester there may not be enough body weight spikes to be felt. But the spine and stomach You get used to the situation so that it affects pain in the waist and abdomen.

Nose congested

Quoting from the Baby Center, it is explained that when you are in two-body, the human placental growth hormones (PGH), the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide ( VIP), estrogen, and progesteron increase, and one of the consequences makes the nasal channel enlarge and produces more mucus.

Meanwhile, the increase in blood flow causes blood vessels to shrink and cause swelling in the nose, so that the nose is clogged.

Changing moods and fever

The increase in the hormone estrogen and progesteron cause emotional turmoil You also increase. You can be more easily provoked by anger without reason or crying without willing you.

Hormonic substitutions also affect your appetite. You are increasing or instantly wanting dishes that you never enjoyed before.

Sleep constraints

Not only body organs are busy preparing to accommodate the content, psychologically you also adjust to new conditions due to pregnancy, so it is not uncommon for some pregnant women to also face sleep problems in the early trimester.

Libido decreased

Throughout the early trimester, women faced great happiness, but at the beginning of the 3rd month, they generally ran out of attention to have sex. This is related to hormonal fluctuations and the understanding of themselves felt by a woman due to changes in physical appearance.

So after knowing the gestational age of 3 months, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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