
YOGYAKARTA The phenomenon of grad divorce occurs a lot among the community, especially in celebrity pairs and entrepreneurs. Then do you know what a grad difforsce phenomenon is?

This article will provide information to readers regarding the widely occurring grad divorce terms, ranging from understanding to causes.

Quoted from the Alpha Center for Divorce Mediation website, the grad divorce is a term that refers to the growing trend among couples who are married to their respective age of 50+ years.

The phenomenon of grad diffors also occurs in couples who have a marriage age of up to decades. Not even a few of them have children to grandchildren who have grown up.

In other words, gray divorce can be interpreted as divorce experienced by elderly or elderly couples. The divorce rate in this age group has indeed been going on for a long time, but the emergence of the term grad divorce has been called new and was created as one of the people's responses to the separation trend of the elderly couple which not only has an impact on social phenomena but on important things in business such as what happened between Bill and Melinda Gates, or Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos.

Divorce is one of the most difficult problems not only for divorced couples but for those around them because it affects financial conditions such as child allowances, payment of partner allowances, and other financial problems.

Grey divorce can be caused by many things, either happening to each other or external factors. This factor is as follows.

Empty nest syndrome is a term that refers to the feeling of vacuum or sadness experienced by parents when all or some of their children start to live independently and leave the house. Usually, the father or mother will realize that he and his partner have little in common and lead to tensions in relationships.

For some people, divorce is taboo. But for other people divorce is normal. Changes in social norms in society in responding to divorce play a role in the occurrence of grad divorce. When people have no problem with divorce, individuals who are bound in marriage will think again about finding happiness outside of unsatisfactory marriage.

This condition turned out to be the cause of the divorce of the elderly. Individuals who are married will realize that their age is still long enough to get involved in a marriage that they dream of with other people.

Financial problems not only make divorce happen to young couples but also the elderly. However, stable finance also has the potential to trigger a grad divence. For example, when women feel that they have a stable financial basis, they are not afraid of divorce and prefer a way to end their relationship with their husband.

This factor triggers divorce both in young couples and the elderly couple. Third parties can be obtained from various environments, both the work environment and the social environment.

That's information related to the grad divorce phenomenon. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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